PyMAPDL Examples#
The Technology Showcases and the Verification Manual examples for PyMAPDL are contained in this repository.
Verification Manual#
These examples present how to use PyMAPDL in an academic modeling context. They ensure the PyMAPDL accuracy.
Summary of the exposed Verification Manual Examples#
in straightforward problems which have “classical” or readily-obtainable theoretical solutions using PyMAPDL.
These problems may then serve as the basis for additional validation and qualification of Mechanical APDL capabilities for specific applications that may be of interest.

Large lateral deflection of unequal stiffness springs

Large Deflection Eccentric Compression of Slender Column

Bending of a Circular Plate Using Axisymmetric Shell Elements

Force on the Boundary of a Semi-Infinite Body (Boussinesq Problem)

One Dimensional Terzaghi’s Consolidation Problem with Permeability as Function of Depth
Technology Showcases#
This documentation demonstrates the broad simulation capabilities of Ansys Mechanical APDL. The problems demonstrate how to use PyMAPDL to effectively and accurately solve interdisciplinary problems from a variety of industries and engineering fields.
Summary of the exposed Technology Showcases#
The exposed files are more complex examples than the ones presented in the APDL Verification Manual. They are complete and concrete case studies which necessitate more resources.

Calibrating and validating a hyperelastic constitutive model

Dynamic simulation of a printed circuit board assembly

Buckling and post-buckling analysis of a ring-stiffened cylinder using nonlinear stabilization